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Comparison Popularity Search Engine graph shows the percentage of queries in search engines in April, according Hits link is web statistics service and analysis. The search engines Google, Yahoo and Being now the share of searches worldwide. Especially when Google per cent. Which shows the chaotic difference between Google and the other search engines. Yahoo once. Being search engine has popularity. And the Chinese corner. The seo services in india crawler-based search engines are very efficient, especially when the issuing machine is provided.

The other search engines do not surpass everything in popularity. H when top seo company in india AOL. Ask and awaken. Sort by Search engines According to Jerri L. in his book, The Search Engine Optimization Bible Search engines are divided into primary, secondary and target machines. The ranking is based on how you take the results and on the basis of the characteristics of each engine tier search engines. Usually when we refer to first-degree search engines does Google, Yahoo, MSN. This information is in turn stored in a database data index of a search engine. The software called spider somehow detector (crawler) or sometimes and robotics. 

These machines are the ones who collect most of the traffic to a website should be the first target to start any attempt to implement an SEO strategy. A primary engine is slightly different from others. In said machine Search instance is created Locos long before Google still But what Google is most popular search engine from. That's because the people who are searching online message to Google for better search results, and the difference in these results is the search algorithm used to generate machine Search. Most primary search engines seo company not only provide the user searches, but more features like e-mail, mapping, news, and various forms of entertainment. The above components were added later, while the medium supports the engine to thereby increase their traffic. Although these characteristics do not change state search people can influence how people choose their search engine.

(Jerri L. Redford). Secondary search engines Secondary search engines should be a part of the SEO plan. Although these search engines do not show much movement in search results definitely should not ignore, because even the limited movement provides valuable and certainly should not be overlooked, these search engines view more do not concentrate so much concerned in relation to the primary, but are useful and focused more on regional search. Such a machine is considered LycosIt created in. Although these search engines addressed this common goal, usually in smaller, more specific groups, but even if this content is generally the same. Other examples of such machines is LookSmart, MIA, Ask.

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Com, and E spotting. The primary search engines as secondary, only they differ in the way they classified the results. Some more dependent on keywords, while others are based on reciprocal links to websites. While others may be based on criteria such as meta tags or other criteria, as adjusted in accordance with company policy. (Jerri L. Redford). Targeted search engines These machines contain this search and focus on specific topics, such as the IT sector or different information sources drugs or different branches of medicine and science, travel, sports, or other general topics.

An example of such a machine is city search. The results seo services in india of the ranking criteria vary as other types of engines. Now, when it comes to SEO for this type of search engines should be given that many of them are much more limited than the search engines are the primary and secondary, and are usually based on a particular topic. So we must see the targeted machines that are related to this topic on our search. (Jerri L. Redford). Types of Search Engines The term search engine according to Danny Sullivan, is often used to describe both tape-based search engines and human-powered directories.

These two types of search engines gather their articles in radically different ways. The difference is the way the collected items. The crawler-based search engines use automated mechanisms to detect web pages that are in the network. When manually driven catalogs listing the work of man. Finally, there yet and hybrid engines that are a combination of the above two. Tape-based search engines crawler-based search engines use a program to collect information on its website. Details How is typical search page URL links to and from the area, and the code that creates the page.